[Unfortunately I don't have connectivity in my hotel, so belatedly...]

On 2-aug-2005, at 18:20, Bernie Volz (volz) wrote:

I believe requirement 3 is incorrectly stated; I think the discussion in the past was to have M=0/O=0 mean that the node SHOULD NOT start DHCPv6.
I believe it was just desired that it *NOT* be a MUST NOT.

I don't think the question we need to answer is "SHOULD NOT" or "MUST NOT" do DHCPv6 when the bits are 00. I believe it's a given that some people are going to run DHCPv6 without bothering to change the RA bits.

The real question is what happens out of the box. Consider the situation where a popular OS does DHCPv6 when MO==00 by default. Since hunting down each and every one of these hosts and reconfiguring them to NOT do DHCPv6 isn't feasible, this means we then live in a universe where there will always be DHCPv6 packet on all links everywhere. (Even if most other OSes don't do DHCPv6 with MO==00 by default.) I don't think this is compatible with any interpretation of the use of the bits.

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