On 2005-09-05, Theodoros Pagtzis wrote:
> HOW will the AR "remember" each these LLA if they are _NOT_ stored each 
> in a NCE (since the overriding flag is not set) during DAD resolution??

Ah, I see what you mean now!

They _are_ stored in the NC.  The AR is unmodified, so the
state machine in 2461(bis) applies ...

State           Event                   Action                New state

-               Packet to send.         Create entry.         INCOMPLETE
                                        Send multicast NS.
                                        Start retransmit timer

INCOMPLETE      NA, Solicited=1,        Record link-layer     REACHABLE
                Override=any            address.  Send queued

So, an entry is created in state INCOMPLETE and an NS is sent,
and when the ON replies with NA(O=0,S=1) the entry is promoted
to REACHABLE and traffic begins.

Hope that helps,


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