
At the Vancouver meeting we discussed clarifying the use of the M&O bits in Neighbor Discovery Router Advertisements. I made a proposal to drop <draft-ietf-ipv6-ra-mo-flags-01.txt> and instead to just change the text describing the M&O bits in <draft-ietf- ipv6-2461bis-06.txt> along the lines as Thomas Narten suggested on the IPv6 list.

The current M&O text from Section 4.2 "Router Advertisement Message Format" <draft-ietf-ipv6-2461bis-06.txt> is a follows:

   M              1-bit "Managed address configuration" flag.  When
                  set, it indicates that Dynamic Host Configuration
                  Protocol [DHCPv6] is available for address
                  configuration in addition to any addresses
                  autoconfigured using stateless address

   O              1-bit "Other configuration" flag.  When
                  set, it indicates that [DHCPv6lite] is available
                  for autoconfiguration of other (non-address)
                  information. Examples of such information are DNS-
                  related information or information on other servers
                  within the network.

The proposal is to replace this text with the following text. Note, this is same as what was proposed at the meeting with the addition of the note at the end as was suggested at the meeting.

   M :
1-bit "Managed address configuration" flag. When set, it indicates that addresses are available via Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol [DHCPv6], including addresses that were not configured via stateless address autoconfiguration. Clients SHOULD use DHC to obtain addresses (and associated configuration information) as described in [ADDRCONF].
       Note that when the M bit is set, the setting of the O bit is
irrelevant, since the DHC server will return "other" configuration
       information together with addresses.

   O :
       1-bit "Other configuration" flag.  When set, it indicates that
[DHCPv6lite] is available for autoconfiguration of other (non- address) information. Examples of such information are DNS-related information
       or information on other servers within the network. When set,
        - If the M bit is also set, clients SHOULD use DHC to obtain
addresses (and associated configuration information) as described
- If the M bit is not set, clients SHOULD use DHC as described in

Note that if M and O are not set, clients SHOULD NOT not request any
      information with DHC.

I also reviewed <draft-ietf-ipv6-rfc2462bis-08.txt>. I didn't find any mention of the M and O flags in the RFC2462bis draft. Consequently, I don't see any need to modify that draft if we adopt these changes for RFC2461bis.



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