I like Thomas's suggested changes.

Though I think that "are available" is a bit presumptuous? It may well
be that the DHCPv6 server does not exist or that there are no additional
addresses for that client. The M-bit means run stateful DHCPv6 to see
what you get, if anything.

- Bernie

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Thomas Narten [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Tuesday, March 21, 2006 8:48 PM
> To: Durand, Alain
> Cc: IPv6 Mailing List; Bob Hinden
> Subject: Re: Proposed M&O bits text for RFC2461bis 
> "Durand, Alain" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >  
> > >     M : 1-bit "Managed address configuration" flag.  When set, it
> > >     indicates that addresses are available via Dynamic Host
> > >     Configuration Protocol [DHCPv6], including addresses that were
> > >     not configured via stateless address autoconfiguration.
> > I'm not sure I understand the last part of the sentence...  Does it
> > means that addresses configured via stateless address
> > autoconfiguration are -also- availabe via DHCP?
> No, it means that if you don't invoke DHC to get addresses, you won't
> be getting all the addresses the network is telling you it thinks you
> need. That is, DHC is providing addresses that are (presumably) not
> available via stateless addrconf, hence you should use DHC to get
> them.
> I agree the wording could be better, e.g., 
>     M : 1-bit "Managed address configuration" flag.  When set, it
>         indicates that addresses are available via Dynamic Host
>         Configuration Protocol [DHCPv6], including addresses that are
>         likely not available via stateless address autoconfiguration.
> > >          Clients SHOULD use DHC to obtain addresses
> > This is the core of the suggested change going from what was the
> > equivalent of a MAY to a SHOULD... What is the rationale for that
> > change?
> Per my comment above, if you don't invoke DHC, you won't get all the
> addresses the network is configured to be giving you. Hence, you
> SHOULD invoke DHC to get them.
> > >         (and associated configuration information) as described in
> > >         Note that when the M bit is set, the setting of 
> the O bit is
> > >         irrelevant, since the DHC server will return "other"
> > configuration
> > >         information together with addresses.
> > The texts says nothing about what the client is supposed to 
> do when the
> > bit is not set.
> > (same comment with O)
> Actually, the text concludes with:
>        Note that if M and O are not set, clients SHOULD NOT not
>        request any information with DHC.
> Perhaps that should be changed to
>        Note that if neither M nor O are set, clients SHOULD NOT not
>        request any information with DHC.
> Thomas
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