
I fully agree with you.

I think these two bits have consumed way more time than they should have
- they'll probably go down as the most contested two bits in the history
of the IETF. For something so simple, it is utterly crazy.

- Bernie 

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Thomas Narten [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Tuesday, April 18, 2006 9:34 AM
> To: Durand, Alain
> Cc: Erik Nordmark; IPv6 Mailing List; Ralph Droms (rdroms)
> Subject: Re: Proposed M&O bits text for RFC2461bis 
> "Durand, Alain" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > BTW, M&A bot set *is* a valid configuration, where on the 
> same subnet
> > one would like to use both servers that want to use nothing 
> but DHCP and
> > laptops who are perfectly happy with stateless autoconf (or 
> small devices
> > who do not have  implemented anything else)
> This is the crux of the fundamental underlying disagreement we are
> having on what we are trying to solve here.
> In my view, it is nuts to have devices "that choose to implement only
> stateless addrconf" because they are "simple" or "perfectly happy" or
> something. If we go down this route, it is not an operational choice
> whether to run DHC, because implementations have already made that
> choice.
> If folk chose not to implement DHC or stateless addrconf, that is
> fine, and that is their choice. But the consequences may well be that
> they can't get addresses in all environments. We need to be
> clear/truthful about that. You seem to be suggesting that this  is not
> acceptable and that instead, operations need to provide stateless addr
> conf in all cases since some devices may require that. Is this
> _really_ what you intend?
> Having the M&O bits say "use dhc" (if you have implemented it) or
> "don't bother with DHC" is useful, independent of the above.  But what
> seems to be happening now (as in the past) is that the M&O bits are
> being viewed as somehow mandating the implementation of DHC, and folk
> don't want that.
> IMO, having the M bit say "invoke DHC" does not mandate implementing
> DHC any more than having an RA a Prefix Information Option with the
> "A" bit set "mandates" that one MUST implement stateless address
> autoconfiguration.
> And, BTW, I know of one implementation that does NOT implement
> stateless addr conf and isn't all bent of out shape the specs seeming
> to require (or not require) implementation of stateless
> autoconfiguration. So I really do not understand why we are making
> such a big deal out of this.
> Chairs, Perhaps we need to just accept that we can't get consensus on
> revised wording for the M&O bits and leave the text unchanged
> relative to RFC2461?
> It's long past time for getting closure on this issue and moving on,
> yet we continue to have the same back-and-forth on the mailing
> list. :-(
> Thomas
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