> -----Original Message-----
> From: Syam Madanapalli [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 

> 802.16 is point-to-multipoint connection oriented technology. There
> will be a seperate connection for each subscriber station 
> from base station.
> A subsriber station cannot establish a direct connection to 
> another subscriber
> station.

I think you'll find that RFC 2022 for multicast support and the ARP
support described in RFC 2225 should both apply, then. Because when
these RFCs were written, ATM did not yet support point-to-multipoint
addressing intrinsically. So any protocol which depends on multicast
addressing had to emulate this feature, which they did by implementing
dynamically updated lists of unicast ATM addresses. That is, for
unicasts, the address resolution part of the puzzle should be solved,
even if the ultimate end-to-end link won't be direct. For multicast, I
think the fit is pretty good.

Parenthetically, multicast addressing support was introduced in ATMF UNI
4.0 for awhile, then deleted again. Amazing. As far as I can tell, none
of the RFCs that might have made use of multicast addresses was ever
changed to capitalize on the new feature, not even in I-D form. Interest
had waned quite a bit by then, late '90s. Maybe that's why the ATMF
deleted it.


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