
In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (at Mon, 29 May 2006 19:23:36 +0900), Arifumi 
Matsumoto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> says:

> * to update default rule.
>   The default rule today is:
>       Prefix        Precedence Label
>       ::1/128               50     0
>       ::/0                  40     1
>       2002::/16             30     2
>       ::/96                 20     3
>       ::ffff:0:0/96         10     4
>   What we should consider now is,
>   - IPv4-compatible IPv6 address is deprecated.(RFC4291)
>   - Teredo is defined. (RFC4380)
>   - ULA should have less precedence than IPv4.
>       Prefix        Precedence Label
>       ::1/128               50     0
>       ::/0                  40     1
>       2002::/16             30     2
>       ::ffff:0:0/96         10     3
>       fc00::/7               8     4
>       2001::/32              5     5

It is fine to add fc00::/7 and 2001::/32 is fine, however,
it is not good to delete ::/96.

Please don't introduce incompatibility here.
Peserve current label even if we remove ::/96; e.g.

       Prefix        Precedence Label
       ::1/128               50     0
       ::/0                  40     1
       2002::/16             30     2
       ::ffff:0:0/96         10     4
       fc00::/7               8     5
       2001::/32              5     6

is fine.



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