In your previous mail you wrote:

   I am not sure I understand your argument that the issue of sending periodic
   RAs should be handled at the link-layer.

=> I don't understand how my argument was translated in this one too (:-).

   If the network layer is going to send the periodic RA, how do you expect the
   link layer to deal with it? This would break the behavior.
=> my argument is that "to adapt the network layer to solve possible issues
from the periodic sending of RAs" is a bad idea and these issues should
be handled at the link-layer support for dormant nodes.
   > => no, I've said the space where to find a solution is the dormant
   > mode of the link layer, not the network layer. And about my idea
   > it is based on the fact the dormant node doesn't need to know what
   > happens until it wakes up.
   But it is only the radio part of the host that is dormant...

=> this is clearly wrong: anything relying on the radio access should
be dormant too (*).

   Your proposal is very vague.

=> it is more a way where to look up for solutions.


PS (*): in fact IMHO timers should be classified into hard timers which
have to run in all cases and loose timers which should be delayed
during the dormant phase plus a grace period.

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