Hi John,
  Please find comments inline


John Spence wrote:
My reading of the current and proposed specs are that privacy addresses may be generated in addition to autoconfigured addresses (of scope greater than link-local). Is there any provision for having **only** privacy addresses, and no autoconfigured addresses? This would make it more difficult (in a good way) to find interfaces using inbound connections, such as scanning. In my reading of [http://www.ietf.org/internet-drafts/draft-ietf-ipv6-privacy-addrs-v2-04.txt], section 3, bullet 2 begins “Create additional addresses …”. Perhaps there is another reference, but that implies that privacy addresses can only complement public autoconfigured addresses, not take the place of them.

The term additional is used to refer to addresses which are not link-local. This term is introduced n the second paragraph of section 1, where we see the following text.

"All nodes combine interface identifiers (whether derived from an IEEE
 identifier or generated through some other technique) with the
 reserved link-local prefix to generate link-local addresses for their
 attached interfaces.  Additional addresses can then be created by
 combining prefixes advertised in Router Advertisements via Neighbor
 Discovery [DISCOVERY] with the interface identifier."

If you feel further clarification is required, please let me know. I am in the middle of doing a new revision.

I’m sure there would be side-effects (like how could an administrator invalidate a privacy address early by removing or changing the prefix being sent by the router if autoconfiguration is not in use).

Autoconfiguration IS still IN USE even with privacy addresses. The prefix can be invalidated just as well with privacy addresses as with non-privacy addresses. I do not see any issues in this regard. In short privacy addresses just extend stateless autoconf, and hence will retain all the properties of a stateless autoconf address.

So, my question then is “Do the current or proposed specs allow me to have an interface with a link-local address and a privacy address only, no static and no autoconfigured”?


**John Spence****, **Command Information (HQ: Herndon VA)



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