Tim - SLAAC and DHCPv6 are fundamentally different ways to assign addresses. Don't forget manual assignment, as well. DHCPv6 for other information (RFC 3736) has nothing to do with addressing.

I would be interested in seeing more detail about specific topologies and scenarios in which DHCPv6 PD is inadequate. All I've seen in a quick read of your doc is the argument that some hosts may not implement DHCPv6, so there is a need for some way to accomplish PD without DHCPv6. But I think Alain refuted that argument by pointing out that any new PD protocol would also, by definition, not be implemented already in any hosts, so the advantage is minimal.

We had a long discussion about PD alternatives some time before the DHCPv6 PD RFC was published. The consensus was, at that time, that the protocol messages and amount of "work" required for PD was pretty much the same regardless of how the messages are carried (DHCP, ICMP, etc.), and there was also consensus that PD seemed a logical extension of the address assignment in DHCP, so that consensus was the motivation for DHCPv6 PD.

- Ralph

On Aug 22, 2006, at 11:48 PM, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

From: "Durand, Alain" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 2006/08/22 Tue PM 10:31:10 CDT
        IETF IPv6 Mailing List <ipv6@ietf.org>
Subject: RE: RE: Prefix Delegation using ICMPv6

Thanks for the quick e-mail. As one of the co-authors, I'd in
turn like to reply (and state that ICMPv6 PD is ANOTHER way
to do IPv6 PD, NOT a replacement for the existing mechanism).
FWIW, please see comments in-line:

This is probably the crux of the issue.
I believe that having multiple IETF standardized ways to achieve the same thing is a bad idea.

Hi Alain, I respect your opinion but believe differently. BTW, there is already at least one such instance of their being "multiple IETF standardized ways to achieve" IPv6 addressing for nodes. SLAAC (RFC 2462[bis]) and DHCPv6 (RFC 3315), AND DHCPv6 'lite' (RFC 3736).

Rom 8:28

  - Alain.

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