> Well, the intention is to use RS/RA for PD but use icmp type/code for
> any error messaging for the PD process between the requesters and
> delegators.

OK, I see now. When Tim first contacted me he came across with
a certain sense of naivety that doesn't seem to be supported
by his interactions here, and he led me to believe that he was
talking about new ICMP messages for prefix delegation. Then
later, when I suggested to Tim that RS/RA could be used for
the PD, he told me that yes in fact that was what he would
be proposing and he ended the discussion with what I could
only describe as a certain sense of self-righteousness.

Now we come to find out that its *both* RS/RA *and* two new
ICMP messages. That's a lot of messages, and it might lead one
to ask that if there needs to be two new ICMP messages why not
use them for the prefix delegation too and avoid overloading
RS/RA and tweaking specs? (But then I guess the proposal
wouldn't be any much different than those that were offered
several years ago?)

Matthew 7:5  


- Satya Rao
Mobile Devices Technology Office
Tel: 512-996-6781

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Templin, Fred L [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Wednesday, August 23, 2006 7:12 PM
> Cc: IETF IPv6 Mailing List
> Subject: RE: Re: Prefix Delegation using ICMPv6
> Tim,
> I took a look at the I-D and it reads well. I see that you 
> (and the co-authors) are asking RSs to carry PIOs by way of 
> requesting specific prefixes, and that you are asking for new 
> flag bits (the 'P' bit in the RS message 'Reserved' field and 
> the 'D' bit in the PIO 'Reserved1' field) which would qualify 
> this as an RS/RA-based prefix delegation mechanism.
> But then, I see in Sections 5.1 and 5.2 that the 
> specification is also asking for new ICMPv6 message types, so 
> the mechanism is apparently not implemented via RS/RA 
> messages alone. Is there a way to do this with RS/RA alone, 
> or do you also need the extra ICMPv6 messages?
> Fred
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