
> I'm not going to discuss this text with you any further on the list at
> time. I believe the text is sufficiently unclear and imprecise to
result in 
> confusion about how one should implement the MN-AR interface in
> Clearly, you disagree and you're not prepared to accommodate any of my

> suggestions, so there's little point in our continuing the discussion.

Suit yourself, but the text works in necessary and sufficient terms.
Take 5 minutes to work through it, and I believe you will see that
this is so.


"5.  Multilink Subnet Considerations

An individual prefix is an IP prefix associated with a specific
MN, and a shared prefix is an IP prefix that may be associated
with multiple MNs.

ARs must not include an individual prefix in RAs that may be
received by a MN other than the one associated with the prefix.

ARs must not send RAs that include a shared prefix in a Prefix
Information Option with 'A'=1 unless there is operational assurance
of duplicate address detection/avoidance across the NETLMM domain.

ARs must not send RAs that include an individual or shared prefix
in a Prefix Information Option with 'L'=1 unless all RAs that
include the prefix and all MNs that receive them are associated
with a single link."

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