>From: Jari Arkko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Date: 2006/08/25 Fri AM 01:11:55 CDT
>Cc: IETF IPv6 Mailing List <ipv6@ietf.org>
>Subject: Re: Prefix Delegation using ICMPv6

>Its probably best if you now update your draft with a better description
>of what scenario you are looking at, details about the customers
>requirements, justification of why new work is needed, and an analysis
>of why existing solutions are inappropriate or undesirable in your

Hi Jari, you're absolutely right. Even now we're in the process of considering 
how to better describe and provide detail for all the things you mention above.

>This has already been a long discussion but in my >opinion it has not been all 
>that informative yet with >regards to these issues. Also, at least I 
>personally >want to know what problem >we are solving before spending a lot of 
>effort in analysing a solution --

Understood. In future revisions for example we hope to better illustrate 
customer requirements that exist for which our proposed ICMPv6 PD mechanism 
would be  either a better or the only solution.

Any technical feedback would however also be very helpful as we revise.

>we know there is an infinite number of ways to design a protocol
>but the real question is whether it solves a problem.
>Looking forward to your new draft.

Rom 8:28

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