FWIW, I largely agree with Bob.

The biggest issue I see with this is that this document requires code
changes on routers in anticipation of a some vague, future possible
new extension type.

I strongly suspect that any such RFC will be largely ignored by
vendors and thus won't be implemented. And if it is not implemented
_now_, in the future, when that new extension is finally defined, it
will be too late to matter.

This sort of thing would have made more sense early on as part of the
base IPv6 protocol RFC. Today, there is no compelling reason for
anyone to implement this.

PS, I'd also like to see some evidence that there exist potential
future header extensions that routers/firewalls will need to process
that can't be dealt with via (say) a hop-by-hop option or routing

Just saying it's theoretically possible doesn't make it compelling.


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