
Somebodyu sent me this :
"I would allow all users to register in their own name (i.e.allowing multiple 
users to have the same user name), you can say I am an anti dot com guy, this 
way one can get rid of cyber squatters. Recently there was an article that 
mentions quote " Shanghainese frusted over name game" in which it states that 
there are over 3937 people named Chen Jie and 3751 people named Zhang Min and 
purely in terms of Surnames (last name) Zhang comes out first with almost 
90000 occurrences Unquote. Similarly practically every third person in Korea 
is a Kim and if I talk about Indians I bet you must have heard a at least one 
Patel not to mention John Smith in England or US. 
My work is more towards enabling one on one contact universally, which is 
presently not possible, as ICANN method does not allow it"


"Addressing and numbering problems is more than just hierarchical structure. 
I know one thing that both IPV4 and IPV6 have posed the address shortage 
problem and that too when the net user percentage is just between 10 to 20% 
of the world population, so it is best to have this approach as it has 
covered practically all possibilities. "
Any comments about it ?

I look forward to your answer,

Best Regards,


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