I second the idea of an IANA registry for that. This would be
very useful and would provide be the easiest way to update that
list later.

   - Alain. 

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Suresh Krishnan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Wednesday, March 21, 2007 1:43 AM
> To: ipv6@ietf.org
> Subject: Reserved interface identifier registry
> Hi Folks,
>    Some RFCs (I know of at least 2, RFC2526 and RFC4214) 
> reserve a set of interface identifiers on all prefixes. These 
> identifiers need to be excluded when a node autoconfigures an 
> address. This problem occurs with privacy addresses but is 
> equally applicable to other address assigment methods like 
> dhcpv6, cga etc. As Bernie suggested in a mail it would be 
> good to maintain a list of such identifiers. This is possible 
> by either listing the currently assigned IIDs in a document, 
> or by creating an IANA registry. The former is useful if 
> there will be no such allocations in the future and the later 
> is useful if there will be future allocations. I have written 
> a draft regarding this and I was wondering if the wg 
> considers this to be useful work worth pursuing. I would also 
> like to know if there are any other RFCs/drafts which depend 
> on using specific IIDs.
> Thanks
> Suresh
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