After reading draft-ietf-ipv6-deprecate-rh0-00.txt, I found several problems:

- the draft mentions "serious security implications" that can be "exploited"
  without explaining what those are
- the draft "deprecates" the routing header type 0 without explaining
  what deprecation entails
- the document forbids origination or processing of packets with a
  routing header type 0, which is contrary to my interpretation of the
  meaning of "deprecate"
- although listed as an informative reference, the draft exclusively relies
  on to explain
  the problems the draft endeavors to solve

In short: the draft uses undefined terminology, does more than it is supposed to do, provides no explanation of any kind but rather refers to an external document that is high on rhetoric ("Type 0 : the evil mechanism we describe in this presentation") and grandiose claims ("Defeating Root DNS servers anycast architecture") and low on useful technical description.

To fix this, we should explain the problems that source routing and/ or the routing header type 0 can cause, define what "deprecate" means and then what deprecation of the routing header type 0 means in practice, and how this solves the problems explained earlier. Or we simply forego use of the word "deprecate".

I would also like to see a discussion of source routing in IPv4 included here, contrary to popular belief source routing for IPv4 is enabled on a good number of routers, and relatively recent software from one popular vendor still has IPv4 source routing enabled by default.

See text below.

Both IPv4 and IPv6 provide the option for the source of an IP packet to influence routing decisions by listing a number of intermediate hops that the packet must pass through on its way to its ultimate destination. This is called source routing. In IPv4, two forms of source routing are defined as IP options that increase the length of the IPv4 header, see RFC 791. In IPv6, source routing is accomplished by placing a "routing header" directly behind the IPv6 header. Multiple forms of source routing are possible, but generic loose source routing is provided by a routing header type 0 (RH0). The only other type in use is 2, for Mobile IPv6. See RFC 2460 for a detailed description of RH0.

Although source routing has been possible with IP for a very long time, the mechanism is rarely used. The only known use of the mechanism is for troubleshooting: by having diagnostic packets (such as those generated by the traceroute utility) flow through a designated router using the source route mechanism, it is possible to evaluate connectivity of that router. There are, however, undesirable uses of the source route mechanism in general and RH0 in particular.

When a router or other device is configured to filter out certain IP packets, a naive implementation or configuration of such a filter may let source routed packets through even though otherwise identical packets that aren't source routed would have been rejected. When a packet with the routing header type 0 hasn't been processed by the last source routed hop yet, the destination address in the IPv6 header is different from the the final destination of the packet. So a filter that ignores the RH0 specification in RFC 2460 and only evaluates the IPv6 header without considering the RH0 may arrive at an undesired conclusion. Use of RH0 may also provide reachability to nodes that have a global IPv6 address but no direct global IPv6 connectivity.

Source routing also allows a single packet to traverse a given link more than once, using up unnecessary capacity in the process. Fortunately, this ability is limited by the filtering that is common on the boundaries between networks, so the impact of potential abuse of this type is limited. Although the RH0 makes the destination field in the IPv6 header change after each source routed hop, the source address remains the same throughout the lifetime of the packet. This means that when a packet originating at network A with network D, as its destination and intermediate networks B and C listed several times as source routed hops, will appear to come from A when it goes from A to B and from B to C, which is expected and, presumably, allowed. However, when the packet is then forwarded back from C to B, BCP38-style ingress filtering will discard the packet. The same happens if C employs egress filtering by checking whether packets leaving the network have source addresses that belong to the local network or its customers. This means that using the source routing mechanism to use up bandwidth can only be successful on inter-domain links where no filtering is deployed on either side, or within a single administrative domain. In other words, a network that faces malicious source routed packets can limit the flow of these packets by either implementing ingress or egress filters, and stop it by disabling source routing on its routers.

With IPv4, the presence of any options in the IP header is problematic, because this makes efficient processing of the packet in question impossible. This means that a relatively low number of source routed packets (or other packets with options) can use up a much of a router's processing capacity. With IPv6 RH0 is problem is less pronounced because the option only needs to be evaluated when the packet arrives at the node indicated by the IPv6 destination address in the packet.

Since source routing can be used in ways that are undesirable, the IETF has reached the following consensus:

1. Implementation of source routing as defined in RFCs 791 and 2460 is optional. An IP implementation MAY omit the source routing capability and is then still considered in full compliance with RFC 791 or 2460, respectively.

2. IP implementations that support source routing, MUST provide an administrative mechanism for disabling the source routing functionality.

3. IP implementations that support source routing, SHOULD have source routing administratively disabled by default.

4. IP implementations that do not implement source routing or have source routing disabled, SHOULD return an ICMP error appropriate for encountering an unknown option as per RFC 791 and RFC 2460, respectively.

The IETF does not recommend blanket filtering of all packets that contain a source routing option; if any filtering of source routed packets is performed, the filter should only reject packets with the routing header type 0, in order to avoid breaking the Mobile IPv6 protocol and future protocols that may use similar mechanisms.

IP implementers who want to retain the source routing mechanism are encouraged to implement additional constraints to avoid misuse of the mechanism. For instance, the number of source routed hops may be limited, only a single RH0 option per packet may be allowed, and/or source routed packets that visit the same hop multiple times may be rejected.

There has been some confusion over the correct interpretation of some of the text pertaining to RH0 in RFC 2460. Some implementers have implemented RH0 such that when a host is listed as an intermediate hop in a routing header, the host executes the source routing algorithm and forwards the packet to the next source routed hop. This interpretation of RFC 2460 should be considered incorrect: if, after processing a routing header, a host determines that the packet is not addressed to one of the addresses the host currently holds, the host MUST NOT forward the packet, but it SHOULD send back the ICMP error appropriate for encountering an unknown option.

Iljitsch van Beijnum

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