On 2007-06-09 17:41, Paul Vixie wrote:
... I *would* recommend that the robot be hosted by a trusted organization.

as ietf, itu, icann, ep.net, and isc have all proved, most organizations are
trusted by most people, but no organization is trusted by everybody.  what
specific trust threshold are you aiming for in the above stated requirement?

Since you ask:
IANA, under the IAB's authority and RFC 2860 clause 4.3 exception (b),
i.e. just like any other technical registries run by IANA.

That MoU allows the IETF to pull the plug if it ever needs to.


Since ULAs aren't routable, I don't see [a nightmare for the operational
community].  If we were talking about routable PI, it would be a different

in discussions you have evidently not been following, even though they are
occuring on two open mailing lists where this topic is topical, the
operational nightmares are described in detail.  those mailing lists are

perhaps this is illustrative as to why holding this discussion in a mothballed
IETF WG is unlikely to reach the audience who would be affected by it.

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