> I think a better way of describing it is "administrative domain". ...

in addition to bmanning's worthy comments, let me say that this redescription
entirely removes the point of my question.  the assertion i first quoted was:

> > > Not that it really matters, since ULAs never appear off-site anyway.

and my question was:

> > depending on what you mean by a site, both in relative and absolute terms
> > of space and of time, there might be general agreement on this point, or
> > not.
> > 
> > hopefully the regress isn't infinite.  care to take it a step and see?

call it a site, call it an administrative domain, call it anything you want.
but explain to me please the relationship between the allocation domain and
the routing domain.  if the network part (allocation domain) is universal,
but the routing domain is not universal, then i need to know what routing
domain you're expecting.  i can advertise my ULA-C to my next door neighbor
but not my across the street neighbor?  i can advertise it to whomever i want
but it will mysteriously not work beyond an unpredictable perimeter?  my city
utility fiber/wireless network hears me but only half of the other residents
hear me?  all local residents hear me but my city's "provider" does not?  my
city's provider hears me but half of their other customers filter me?

if we're going to expect routability to provide connectivity in some cases
but not all, which is what's implied by saying "never appear off-site", then
we need to know what cases and exactly what noncases.  so what's a "site"?
or what's an "administrative domain"?  or call it what you want -- what is it
and how do the routing domain, connectivity domain, and the allocation domain
relate to each other?

if i seem anxious to cut to the chase it's because i've read all this before
when "site local" was first proposed and then later, again, when it was
deprecated.  so let's keep our feet on the ground and define our terms and
make sure we have common understanding before anybody runs out ahead.

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