On Thu, 28 Jun 2007, Paul Vixie wrote:
Brian E Carpenter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

I wouldn't, at this time.  We need to see where the RAM/RRG discussions
lead.  If they lead to a clear need for registered globally unique
identifiers in IPv6 address format, something like this might be right
(unless we also need a cryptographic property).

where are those discussions being held, and can you post a summary, and why
are we wasting our keystrokes discussing this if there's a preclusive topic
being discussed somewhere entirely else?

[EMAIL PROTECTED] and I gave up following that discussion months ago. Way too much chitchat one way or the other as I see it and no real consensus forming in one way or another.

Don't think we should wait for RAM/RRG to agree, let us agree on our understanding and at a later stage when they have come up with a "final" solution we can compare our understanding with their and see if there is a need for adjustment.


Roger Jorgensen              | - ROJO9-RIPE  - RJ85P-NORID
[EMAIL PROTECTED]           | - IPv6 is The Key!

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