i took a copy of ula-central-02 and modded it with my current thinking and
submitted it as a new draft.  i did three things wrong, first i didn't ask
the authors of central-02 if they wanted to be listed as authors of global-01
(but i didn't remove their names since a lot of the text was written by them).
second, i missed the cutoff for new drafts by a day.  third, i called it -01
rather than -00 even though its a new document not just a new revision (but
note, if the other guys want to take this idea into central-03 i'd abandon
global-01 in a heartbeat.)

anyway it's at <http://sa.vix.com/~vixie/ula-global.txt> and comments are
welcome here on ipv6@ even though i guess we won't be discussing it in
chicago since i'm a day late.


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