Hi Hemant,

Hemant Singh (shemant) wrote:
Sorry, if I missed the paragraph Tatuya wanted to add. As I said before,
could I please see the new para for section 5.4.4 of 2461bis and I will

The edit he was proposing was for 2462bis not 2461bis. The old para in section 5.4.4

   On receipt of a valid Neighbor Advertisement message on an interface,
   node behavior depends on whether the target address is tentative or
   matches a unicast or anycast address assigned to the interface.  If
   the target address is assigned to the receiving interface, the
   solicitation is processed as described in [I-D.ietf-ipv6-2461bis].
   If the target address is tentative, the tentative address is not

will be replaced with the new paragraph

   On receipt of a valid Neighbor Advertisement message on an interface,
   node behavior depends on whether the target address is tentative or
   matches a unicast or anycast address assigned to the interface.  If
   the target address is assigned to the receiving interface, the
   advertisement SHOULD be silently discarded. If the target address is
   tentative, the tentative address is not unique.

Since there is no text in 2461bis to directly handle this condition, I believe that the suggested text makes sense.


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