Markku Savela writes:
> > Yes, I expect address resolution to be done on PPP links, just as is
> > described in 2461.  I expect it to be done _regardless_ of the
> > underlying link technology.
> If link like PPP does not have link layer addresses, there is no point
> in doing "address resolution". Nobody should require implemenatation
> to do pointless silly things. I believe trying to put SLA option on
> NS/NA on a link without link layer addresses is actually violation of
> RFC and causes the messages to be ignored.

I wasn't suggesting using the SLLA option.  It wouldn't make sense.
In fact, the RFC says that you don't include that option if you don't
have a link-layer address.

What I was suggesting was that you still need to perform neighbor
discovery per 2461, even though the peers on a point-to-point link
don't have any link layer addresses.

> If link like PPP does have link layer addresses, normal ND rules fully
> apply.

What PPP creates is explicitly a point-to-point link, not point-to-
multipoint or some other case.  I'm not sure I understand the
statement you're making here, as it seems to suggest a situation that
doesn't exist.

> However, DAD is perfectly sensible. And, any other ND messages that
> make sense without SLA are perfectly ok and usable.


What messages, though, _don't_ make sense without SLLA or TLLA
options?  I think all of them are defined to work that way.  Am I
missing something?

James Carlson, Solaris Networking              <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sun Microsystems / 1 Network Drive         71.232W   Vox +1 781 442 2084
MS UBUR02-212 / Burlington MA 01803-2757   42.496N   Fax +1 781 442 1677

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