On 22-jul-2007, at 21:17, Jun-ichiro itojun Hagino wrote:

        it was repeatedly pointed out by Steve Deering and folks in pppext wg
        - they would like to simplify PPP and tons of PPP options in v4 was
          a big mitake
        - global address assignment, resolver IPv6 address information and
          other info has to be passed by DHCPv6 or DHCPv6-lite

        i do not want to see another round of the battle.  we had it enough
        in 1998-2000 timeframe.

It has been repeatedly pointed out by ME that PPP for IPv6 as it exists today (in a context where DHCPv6 servers and clients and operational procedures to make them work together don't exist on a sufficiently wide scale and not to mention the differing interpretations on the use of ND/RA) so PPP for IPv6 isn't used to any measurable degree. Hence the return of investment on writing the specifications and implementations is close to zero.

Answering the questions of whether this constitutes a problem, and if so, whether it should be fixed, and if so, how, are left as an exercise for the reader.

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