On Mon, Aug 27, 2007 at 03:53:22PM -0400, Suresh Krishnan wrote:

> magnitude. The problem with IPv4 source routing is not AS SEVERE as the 
> problem with RH0. 

Also (and this seems to have been overlooked up-thread), we're in
relatively early days with IPv6, so the installed base we have to go
around and tell "RH0 bad" is quite a bit smaller than whatever people
might be doing with IPv4.  I'm aware that there are significant v6
deployments, but it's still tractable.  Since someone has identified
the problem with RH0, the time to do something about it is now,
before many more people build things that might depend on it.


Andrew Sullivan  | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The very definition of "news" is "something that hardly ever happens."  
                --Bruce Schneier

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