On 29-aug-2007, at 16:23, Thomas Narten wrote:

The reality, of course, is that the Ethernet frame format continues
to dominate networking at the edges, and probably will more-or-less

Firewire has 64-bit MAC addresses but on the Mac (ha) they show up as:

        lladdr 00:1b:63:ff:fe:7b:41:5c

(Not sure what the deal is with the MTU, normally it's 4078.)

(I suppose it's a bit late in the game to go back to MAC-48 as II?)

Yes. The difficulty is figuring out how to move to something different
in a backwards-compatable way. I.e., we'd need a transition strategy.

But what would be the point of doing that now?

The fact that we have so many local bits in the IPv6 address is our insurance policy against address policy screwups because a single /64 is enough to run a network of arbitrary size if you forego stateless autoconfig.

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