On 29-aug-2007, at 17:17, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

But what would be the point of doing that now?

Basically, the minimum prefix size * number of assignments * LIRs,
when projected over a timeframe of decades, while preserving a global
DFZ consisting of one PI block per LIR, has a problem fitting into the
number of bits per RIR.

(Please note the difference between the provider aggregatable (PA) blocks that are _allocated_ to LIRs/ISPs and the provider independent (PI) blocks that are _assigned_ to end-users (which may also be considered "LIRs" under the definition "LIR = anyone who pays the RIR fee".)

Simple problems have simple solutions: if your current block is not big enough, get a second block.

Right now, RIRs are reserving only an additional 2 bits per LIR assignment, for "growth". Alternative allocation policies (bisection) don't guarantee the ability to assign arbitrarily large blocks indefinitely - while that
is in fact the long-term requirement.

It's three bits: a /29 is reserved for each allocated /32. However, the problem with this approach is that a quick look at the IPv4 routing table shows that the potential for aggregation created thusly isn't fully realized in practice. Reserving address space in this manner has two downsides:

- rapid fragmentation of relatively large amounts of address space
- increased potential for deaggregation because the maximum prefix length is often longer than the actual prefix length

Because of this, it's my opinion that the current practices are harmful and should be replaced by a new way of allocating, where all prefixes from a certain block have the same length, so it's possible to filter on this prefix length. The size of subsequent blocks is increased by a certain factor (I'm thinking 4 - 16) until an upper limit is reached beyond which the value of limiting the number of prefixes becomes lower than the downside of the potential address waste. For IPv4 this should probably be something like /12, for IPv6 I'm thinking /24.

What works best is, a best-fit approach, where any organization gets way more space than they need, sized according to their own best guess as to
long-term growth *potential*.

It's a waste of time and address space if the people don't aggregate, and IPv4 experience shows this doesn't happen as much as it should.

The fact that we have so many local bits in the IPv6 address is our
insurance policy against address policy screwups because a single /64
is enough to run a network of arbitrary size if you forego stateless

The same would be true of /80, which is what MAC-48 would result in, for minimum prefix size for autoconf (and thus the standard end-user assignment

I guess 48 bits is enough for all private networks, too, yes.

However, if we make this move now we can't make it in the future anymore, so we've wasted the additional 16 bits. If we keep things the way they are now this has the obvious advantage of not taking action over taking action, and it allows us to squeeze out 16 bits and still have autoconfig based on 48 bit identifiers at some point in the future. However...

The overall benefits to address space assignment, IMHO, outweigh that cost,

I disagree. It would be pretty hard to go from 64-bit autoconfig to 48-bit autoconfig in a backward compatible way, because the global/ local bit that is very important here is in the upper 16 bits. It also kills efforts like CGA and HBA, where the interface identifier bits are used for crypto purposes. ~64 bits is already not very strong, ~48 would be too weak. Yes, we already have legacy considerations in IPv6.

especially when considering the long-term health of the DFZ and the cost
to member organizations when having to do expensive upgrades to their
entire infrastructure to support bloat in the DFZ.

By adopting PI in IPv6, the community is saying that this isn't an issue.

Apart from that, what we need to control the DFZ under the current regime is the ability to make good prefix length filters. Currently, RIPE has says the maximum prefix length for 3 /8s is /29. This means that a filter that conforms to the RIPE policy will allow 6 million prefixes under full deaggregation. RIPE also gives out very large IPv6 blocks such as /19 and /20 from 2a01::/16 but also /32s. This means a filter must allow /32s so the holders of that /19 can fragment their block into 8192 /32s if they want. All the while, the utility of using a /19 over, say, 32 (or 28, or 25...) /24 for reasons of DFZ health is negilible because by the time 2000::/3 is filled up it's almost certainly possible for routers to handle 2^ (24-3) = 2 million prefixes. Giving out such large blocks only increases the potential for deaggregation while at the same time potentially wasting an awfully big number of addresses because the larger the block, the bigger the difference between the number of available addresses and the number of addresses actually used.

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