On Wed, 29 Aug 2007 22:08:26 -0400 (EDT)

> > Brian D,
> >
> These days, for example, on an IPv6-*only* Cisco 7600 with 3BXL, will
> only hold a theoretical maximum of 119,000 prefixes. Bigger iron may
> support double that, but again, only as IPv6-ONLY. When you add IPv4
> onto the same platform, the huge IPv4 DFZ  eats most of the capacity
> for IPv6 prefixes. Most providers will need to have dual-stack for
> a considerable period of time (3-5 years minimum, IMHO.)

I'm inclined to believe that dual-stack provider networks are going to
be relatively rare, and may not exist at all. I think it'll either be
IPv6 over MPLS (in one way or another e.g. 6PE or native IPv6 over
MPLS), or Softwires, where IPv6 is encapsulated inside IPv4 (or
vise-versa) at the edges, and tunnelled across a native IPv4 or IPv6
backbone to the egress device. I think softwires is also likely to be
the better alternative for enterprise networks as well, although the
parallel introduction of IPv6 and BGP may initially be a bit
intimidating for them. Assuming a Softwires IPv4 over a native IPv6
network, one method of avoiding having to implement BGP could be to
encode IPv4 prefix information below a reserved IPv6 prefix, and then
have the normal IPv6 IGP carry that information between the egress and
ingress nodes.

Both of these techniques push the "heavy lifting" of matching a
destination layer 3 addresses against many and specific prefixes to the
edge of the network. Once the problem can be pushed to the edge of the
network, it can typically be scaled more easily. The TCAM limit in
your high end internal devices then becomes a limit on how many
forwarding devices you have in your network, not how many prefixes the
network can forward for.


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