2.1.  Host selection of an address

   [RFC3484] describes an architecture by which a network administrator
   can define which source address prefixes should be used on datagrams
   sent to various destination prefixes.  This proposal assumes that if
   remote non-default prefixes are propagated within a network, this
   technology governs the choice of address.  As such, traffic headed to
   destinations for which there is routing other than the default route
   will never be sent to an upstream that will discard them.

Hmm. Is it really that simple? If so, why do we have
draft-bagnulo-6man-rfc3484-update and
draft-arifumi-6man-addr-select-sol? In fact, is it really possible
to avoid some sort of reachability probe?

2.2.  Host selection of a router
   if DHCP [RFC3315] is in use, it may be possible to rely on the Router
   Advertisements bring broadcast periodically.  This case requires
   further thought.

Wouldn't this be an argument for recommending that RAs SHOULD be
sent if a site has multiple prefixes in use, regardless of DHCP usage?


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