
> If we write a SHOULD we really do need some guidance
> as to when it doesn't apply. Otherwise we make it too
> easy for product managers to simply cross it off the list.
> How about
>   The normal expectation is that a complete IPv6 stack
>   includes an implementation of ESP. However, it is
>   recognized that some stacks, implemented for low-end
>   devices that will be deployed for special purposes
>   where strong security is provided by other protocol
>   layers, may omit ESP.

We might also want to be more specific such as:

  s/provided by other protocol layers/provided by higher layer  
security protocols such as SSH and or SSL/

with appropriate references.

Speaking for myself, I want all IPv6 devices to be reasonably  
secure.  For many devices SSH and/or SSL is a fine way to provide  
secure access.  ESP isn't necessary or very useful.


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