Indeed Markku.

Snipped from RFC 2460 is following text:

   [If, as a result of processing a header, a node is required to
   to the next header but the Next Header value in the current header is
   unrecognized by the node, it should discard the packet and send an
   ICMP Parameter Problem message to the source of the packet, with an
   ICMP Code value of 1 ("unrecognized Next Header type encountered")
   and the ICMP Pointer field containing the offset of the unrecognized
   value within the original packet.  The same action should be taken if
   a node encounters a Next Header value of zero in any header other
   than an IPv6 header.]

-----Original Message-----
Markku Savela
Sent: Thursday, March 20, 2008 4:21 PM
To: Suresh Krishnan
Subject: Re: Review comments for draft-krishnan-ipv6-exthdr-01.txt

> From: Suresh Krishnan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Manfredi, Albert 
> E wrote:
> >> " o  Extension headers must be processed in any order they appear"
> > 
> > Why isn't the wording in RFC 2460 even clearer? Quoting:
> > 
> >    Therefore, extension headers must
> >    be processed strictly in the order they appear in the packet; a
> >    receiver must not, for example, scan through a packet looking for
> >    particular kind of extension header and process that header prior
> >    processing all preceding ones.
> It is very clear. And that is exactly the problem I am talking about 
> in the draft. The real issue is that when you reach an unknown header 
> of an unknown format you have no way of proceeding any further with 
> the processing. The text Hemant was quoting is not from the meat of 
> the draft but from the future work section.

And, if you hit unknown header, there is *NO WAY* to skip over it. You
have no idea whether it is an extension header (following the standard
format), or something totally different.

This seems moot all text in the draft...
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