On Mon, Oct 13, 2008 at 01:17:38PM -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Just so I'm clear... when you say "ignore M/O and always run DHCPv6", does 
> that mean stateful or stateless DHCPv6?  And of course, if it is "or", then 
> how is that determined without the M/O bits in the RA?

The general purpose answer is stateful, in terms of being simple to
explain.  But this is really "both."

A DHCPv6 server will answer all Solicits, even if it has no addresses
to provide, with an Advertise.  The difference is in the status code
in each IA.

A client that has obtained, through extra-DHCPv6 means, a global
address and has received Advertises with a status code other than
Success can infer it should enter into stateless operation upon the
conclusion of the current RT counter...there clearly is a DHCPv6
server which it could get configuration from, it just isn't "asking
right".  This is particularly true of clients with fixed manually-
configured IPv6 addresses, they would go straight to stateless.

But there are also contexts of clients that will consider the
downgrade unacceptable, and will continue to Solicit regardless of
Advertise content.

It is, incredibly, contextually dependent.

=== RFC compliance

Note that this suggestion is in stark contast to the current wording
of RFC 3315, which directs that clients MUST ignore Advertises
containing the status code 'NoAddrsAvail', the probable status code in
the downgrade case...except to log them.  I can't remember which
section, but I remember wondering why we bother receiving packets just
to ignore them.  After doing all that work, it seems criminal not to
log the message.  This is later differentiated from the case where the
global status code is Success (or non-present), and a subset of the
client's IA's contain NoAddrsAvail status codes; in this case you do
not ignore the message (but you might not select it).

Ash bugud-gul durbatuluk agh burzum-ishi krimpatul.
Why settle for the lesser evil?  https://secure.isc.org/store/t-shirt/
David W. Hankins        "If you don't do it right the first time,
Software Engineer                    you'll just have to do it again."
Internet Systems Consortium, Inc.               -- Jack T. Hankins

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