On 2008-10-16 14:15, David Conrad wrote:
> Hi,
> On Oct 15, 2008, at 4:30 PM, Bob Hinden wrote:
>> The IPv6 auto-configuration was modeled after IPX (based on XNS)
>> auto-configuration.  IPX was very successful at the time and it's
>> auto-configuration mechanisms were considered an improvement over
>> IPv4.  At the time considered better for enterprises than IPv4.  The
>> IPv6 auto-configuration was based on a protocol that was very widely
>> deployed.
> Since we're talking about history, one of the things I've always been a
> bit confused about is how stateless auto-config is supposed to work with
> Internet naming (as opposed to Appletalk (and I presume XNS) local
> naming). In a world without DHCP and zero knowledge clients, how were
> names supposed to be associated with nodes?

I'm not sure there was an answer to that when it was designed. I guess
today we'd argue that DynDNS can be used to register
MyPrinter.MyHouse.MyUserName.example.net, but I'm not too clear about
the trust model.

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