Hello, all.

I would like to see what is the IETF consensus on this topic. 
Currently we have no further conclusion on this topic than the point that it is 
very difficult to choose the silver bullet among several options listed by 
Thomas and Ralph. However, I also believe that we need to encourage leveraging 
M&O bits by providing a clear guidance if we do not agree the deprecation of 
the bits as Bernie pointed out. 
So, I would like to ask your opinion regarding publishing a informational 
document merging the usage guide of M&O bits which might be rooted on 
RFC2461/2462 and include more considerations for potential issues with the 
ability of host's local policy to override any indication by M&O bits, which 
might be similar to the draft "draft-ietf-ipv6-ra-mo-01.txt".

Thank you.


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