Thanks for writing this. It is good to see some arguments recorded, and I hope we can now proceed to some useful debate and understanding of the problem and solution. UDP is specified as an Internet Area specification, and there are network issues (such as IP header integrity), but the impact of such a change also raises transport-layer issues. I have some comments from this perspective on the draft (below).

Best wishes,


1) Page 2, 1.2

- While it is true that a UDP over IPv4 session can disable the checksum, this is not recommended (e.g. RFC 5405). So, although there is no protocol "problem", the case still needs to be made to show the protocol has been designed with appropriate checks!

2) Page 2, 1.3, bullet 2

- I am surprised that the need to compute and cache an internet checksum over one pseudo-header per socket (or transport flow) is regarded as a computationally intensive task. Is this really what is being asserted in the first point at the end of bullet 1?

- I'd like to see some clarification of the issues behind the statement that NAT-traversal for UDP-Lite/IPv6 causes "problems". Using (IPv6 over UDP with cksum=0) should also cause problems if a NAT is compliant to IPv6. If you change the protocol, you change the NAT behaviour. Is the difference only whether you change the protocol number?

3) Page 2, 1.3, bullet 4

- I find this concept troublesome, can you help? Does this solution presume that a sender targets an endpoint configured as a router? (see note 6 below)

4) Page 4, 1.4

- This is not so for IPv4. Using an outer encaps of (IPv4 over UDP with cksum=0) does provide checksum coverage of the length, transport protocol ID and the IP addresses in use. The IP checksum also provides some reassembly checks - if the ID fields are consistent. It does not verify the port values, nor payload correctness.

- This section does not point to a key issue (as on the list recently). This is the implications and detectability of mis-delivery of a packet to an incorrect endpoint/socket.

- Some time ago there was some research that showed malformed packets were circulating the internet, a side effect of broken internal processing in routers (this was not the first time this had been observed, although I suspect it is hard to quantify how often this happens). This is the sort of thing these checks are meant to cover, internal transfer errors in end host stacks and routers. When the checksum is used with UDP/IPv6, it significantly reduces the impact of undetected corruption of state (and data) on both the host stack and the applications using the transport service. UDP applications could add code to do these checks on ports, length, addresses (but many do not).

5) Page 5

- I think the draft says, you must not tunnel (IPv4 over UDP with cksum=0) over any tunnel where the outer header has no checksum. This seems reasonable. This draft then defines (IPv6 over UDP with cksum=0), I think this should this also be explicitly excluded?

- Is it possible that AMT could use (IPv6 over UDP with cksum=0) to transport IPv4 packets? - If so, what is the correct AMT behaviour when the tunnel has been forwarding a stream of inner packets using IPV4, then encounters a packet with an IPv4 UDP checksum disabled?

6) Page 5

- I do not understand how you can mandate different behaviour for hosts than routers? Do you think this differentiation is clear at a transport level? - endpoint stacks need to forward the IP packet and demux them to the transport. How does the transport stack then know whether to forward the packet to the application? - One possibility could be that the "application relay" calls-down to change the non-default behaviour for the socket layer for this port to KNOW that this is supporting AMT?

7) Page 5

- The decision to omit an integrity check at the IPv6 level means that the transport check is overloaded with many functions including:

* It validates the endpoint address was not corrupted within a router - this packet was meant for this destination and a wrong header has not been spliced to a different payload. * It validates the extension header processing is correctly delimited - the start of data has not been corrupted. The protocol types does this also to some extent.
* It validates reassembly processing, when used.
* It validates the length field.
* It validates the ports have not been corrupted within a router - i.e. the correct application gets the payload (applications should also check source ports/address).
* It validates the payload integrity.

- In IPv4, the first 4 checks are made by the IPv4 header checksum.

- For v6 this checking occurs within the stack using the UDP cksum information. Simply using the IPv4 API to UDP would not require the stack or applications to CHECK many of the fields being received. So, a tunnel using the new method would really need to check the UDP port number against that specified for the IANA reserved value AMT control and data packets - would it also check sport and source IP?
- How should this be implemented, can you help me understand?

- I think the important issue here is to provide adequate checks if a packet is mis-delivered to a DIFFERENT port or a DIFFERENT endpoint to that originally intended, and whether applications running on these ports are sufficiently protected/robust to this.

8) Refs

Should this draft cite RFC 5405, which has things to say on UDP-based tunnels, on checksums, and the use of checksums by applications?

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