Fernando Gont <ferna...@gont.com.ar> writes:

> > The intention of that wording was that the value to be used was the
> > same one as recommended for general use for IPv4, which IANA records.

> What about nodes that are e.g. statically configured?

The intention of the Hop Limit, I think, is that implementations (not
operations) configure it by default to 64. The value rarely seems to
change, so an operator/user should only need to change it if for some
reason the default is not good enough.

So it really shouldn't in general need to be statically configured.

> > >
> > > The current recommended default time to live (TTL) for the Internet
> > > Protocol (IP) is 64 [RFC791, RFC1122].
> >
> > Obviously, this could be a bit clearer. IANA should have a similar
> > entry for Hop Limit, which might well just point to the IPv4 TTL
> > value.

> Yes, I believe the ipv6-parameters file should specify what the
> default value for the Hop Limit is. Any hint on how to get this done?

A note to IANA might be sufficient, and at some point, when we update
the relevant specs, we should clarify the language. I don't see this
as being a huge problem that needs fixing. It has been years since
anyone asked a question about what the documents say on this point...

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