On Wed, Nov 11, 2009 at 12:04 AM, Ralph Droms <rdr...@cisco.com> wrote:
> They don't actually need a full DHCPv6 server.  Support of
> Information-request/Reply/Reconfigure would be sufficient.

I think we're spliting hairs... but eventually someone's going to want
to do all portions of dhcpv6 and NOT do it on a server. Perhaps
looking at this another way, someone's going to recognize that 'root
nfsmount' (or something else odd) is helpful to their cause, and not
want to do that on a dedicated DHCPv6 server, they'll get a vendor to
implement that 'feature' for them.

my point is... it's not one or the other, there will be a myraid of
cases in the middle, which is perfectly fine.

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