a comment on section 5.8.5 on stateful address autoconfiguration.

    "5.8.5.  Stateful Address Autoconfiguration

   Stateful Address Autoconfiguration MAY be supported.  DHCPv6
   [RFC3315] is the standard stateful address configuration protocol;
   see Section 6.2 for DHCPv6 support.

   Nodes which do not support Stateful Address Autoconfiguration may be
   unable to obtain any IPv6 addresses, aside from link-local addresses,
   when it receives a router advertisement with the 'M' flag (Managed
   address configuration) set and that contains no prefixes advertised
   for Stateless Address Autoconfiguration (see Section 4.5.2).
   Additionally, such nodes will be unable to obtain other configuration
   information, such as the addresses of DNS servers when it is
   connected to a link over which the node receives a router
   advertisement in which the 'O' flag (Other stateful configuration) is

I'd like to see support for DHCP address assignment be at least a SHOULD.
I want to see DHCP for other configuration information as a MUST.

doesn't 6.2.1 / 6.2.2 and 5.8.5 overlap?
nit on section 6.2.1 \'M'- flag, header says 5.2.1.


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