On Fri, 26 Mar 2010 10:25:42 +1300
Brian E Carpenter <brian.e.carpen...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On 2010-03-26 08:00, Lorenzo Colitti wrote:
> > On Thu, Mar 25, 2010 at 2:53 AM, Mark Smith <
> > i...@69706e6720323030352d30312d31340a.nosense.org> wrote:
> >>   One should note that [ADDRARCH] specifies universal/local bits (u/g),
> >>   which are the 70th and 71st bits in any address from non-000/3 range.
> >>   When assigning prefixes longer than 64 bits, these should be taken
> >>   into consideration; in almost every case, u should be 0, as the last
> >>   64 bits of a long prefix is very rarely unique.  'G' is still
> >>   unspecified, but defaults to zero.  Thus, all prefixes with u or g=1
> >>   should be avoided."
> >>
> > 
> > Is it enough to say in the draft that the u/g bit should be set to zero when
> > the operator assigns /127 prefixes?
> s/should/MUST/. And IMHO that alone is sufficient reason to progress
> this draft. Operators already use /127 prefixes for router/router links,
> they will continue to do so whatever the IETF writes, but they would
> likely respect this rule if it was documented.
> Yes, this is an exception to the general rule, but if point-to-point
> links between routers aren't a special case, I don't know what is.
> I don't think we need to justify obsoleting an informational
> RFC in the face of reality. Just make this a short BCP, with
> most of the words removed.
> Alternatively, we could continue to ignore the real world.

Well, I live in that operator world too. Just because things have been
done in the past incorrectly doesn't justify making it acceptable. They
can be considered as "IPv4 thinking" aberrations.

>   Brian
> > 
> > 
> >> If the purpose of the draft-kohno-ipv6-prefixlen-p2p-01.txt draft is to
> >> contradict the position of RFC3627, then I think the draft needs to
> >> address all the points made in RFC3627, not just the Anycast
> >> router one. That would fundamentally mean changing the updated
> >> version of RFC3513, RFC4291, "IP Version 6 Addressing Architecture" to
> >> support interface identifiers that are smaller than 64 bits.
> >>
> > 
> > That's why the draft updates RFC 4291. Is this not sufficient?
> > 
> > "5.1.  Ping-pong issue
> >>  As described in [PINGPONG], a forwarding loop may occur on a point-
> >>   to-point link with a prefix length shorter than 127.  This does not
> >>   affect interfaces that perform Neighbor Discovery, but some point-to-
> >>   point links, such as SONET, do not use Neighbor Discovery.  As a
> >>   consequence, configuring any prefix length other than 127 bits on
> >>   these links creates an attack vector in the network."
> >>
> >> I'd like to understand why SONET links don't use ND. Are there any
> >> references to operating IPv6 over SONET that explain why ND can't be
> >> enabled?
> >>
> > 
> > I don't know. It's possibly just not implemented because in general it's not
> > very useful to do neighbor discovery on a link that can only have one other
> > host on it. Maz, can you comment here?
> > 
> > There is no denying this is an issue. However, it is not unique to
> >> point-to-point links - a router attached to an edge /64 LAN segment with
> >> downstream PCs is just as vulnerable. Proportionally, there are
> >> usually at least equal and commonly far more LAN segments in most
> >> networks than there are point-to-point links. Adopting /127s for
> >> point-to-points will mitigate this problem for them, however you're
> >> still vulnerable for all your LAN segments.
> > 
> > 
> > Correct. However, as the draft says, the operational impact of taking out a
> > large (e.g., 80 Gbps aggregate) backbone link or inter-operator peering link
> > using something like this is vastly superior to the impact of a DoS attack
> > on one LAN, which typically has lower-speed links.
> > 
> > "2.  Using 64-bit prefixes for inter-router links leaves a large
> >>       number of unused addresses that an attacker with physical access
> >>       to a link could use to insert a node onto the link without having
> >>       to compromise the routing protocols used on the link.  If 127-bit
> >>       prefix lengths are in use, this is not possible."
> >>
> >> People are enabling authentication in routing protocols to protect
> >> against this.
> > 
> > 
> > No - as the draft says, you cannot protect against this by enabling
> > authentication in routing protocols. If you assign a /64 to a link and
> > someone inserts host(s) onto the link, the hosts will be able to send and
> > receive packets regardless of routing protocol authentication, since the
> > routers are already configured to route the whole /64 to the link. Doing
> > this on a /127 link will require taking the address belonging to one of the
> > two routers (e.g., by triggering DAD, or MAC address spoofing) which will
> > immediately be visible to the operator
> > 
> > 
> >> So you've got your /48, with 65 536 subnets, and instead of allocating
> > 
> > 16 384 /64s for point-to-points links (of which you'll never be ever
> >> likely to have), leaving 49 152 /64s for LAN segments (of which you'll
> >> never be every likely to have),
> > 
> > 
> > Really? It seems to me that depending on how you design your network, you
> > might have as many as one or two point-to-point links for each LAN, because
> > you need to number the uplinks of the routers that provide service to the
> > LANs. So you'd end up dedicating 50% or 66% of your address space to P2P
> > links. Seems like a waste to me, and if the argument is "640k should be
> > enough for everybody", well... we know how it went with IPv4.
> > 
> > Cheers,
> > Lorenzo
> > 
> > 
> > 
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