
You obviously haven't been tracking the current discussion
on draft-ietf-v6ops-cpe-simple-security on the v6ops list,
which is where the cpe-router draft belongs anyway.

I suggest that you read that thread.

   Brian Carpenter

On 2010-03-26 18:25, Frank Bulk wrote:
> There was some discussion on arin-ppml regarding ULA-C which led to talking
> about NAT and it's role.
> One point that rose out of that discussion is that most consumers will
> presume, because they have NAT today, some kind of stateful firewall in
> their shiny new IPv6 router.  Section 3.1 of the current draft discusses
> current NAT behavior in IPv4 routers, but the draft in its current form
> doesn't describe a CPE feature that provides similar functionality in an
> IPv6 CPE router.
> For that reason (with assistance from Michael Dillon), I would like to
> suggest the following be placed in section 4.2, perhaps as W-4.
>       All IPv6 CPE should include a stateful firewall,
>       enabled by default, to give end user networks 
>       some of the benefits that they gain from the 
>       stateful firewall behavior that is part of most 
>       IPv4 NAT implementations.  The firewall should 
>       support the configuration of a DMZ on a certain 
>       IPv6 address or prefix.  It should include
>       support inbound access control lists and may
>       include support for outbound access control lists.
> Without this behavior these IPv6 routers will be just that, routers, and
> unnecessarily expose broadband customer hosts to Internet-based probing and
> attacks.  A stateful firewall for IPv6 traffic would provide some beneficial
> functional consistency between the two IP versions.
> With the existence of several *nix-based open source firewall packages,
> implementation would not be burdensome.
> Perhaps some of you feel strongly enough about this you would change the
> "should" to "must".  I'm OK with that, but that might set the bar too high.
> Kind regards,
> Frank Bulk
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