Hi Mark,

On Apr 15, 2010, at 04:36 MDT, Mark Smith wrote:
> Hi Brian, Shane,
> On Thu, 15 Apr 2010 15:52:15 +1200
> Brian E Carpenter <brian.e.carpen...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Regards
>>   Brian Carpenter
>> On 2010-04-15 14:10, Shane Amante wrote:
>>> Brian, Mark,
>>> Brian: FWIW, I like the direction of this version of draft
>>> much better than previous versions; however, I agree with
>>> Remi that the current version is a bit confusing at the
>>> moment and could likely be rewritten to be more simple and
>>> just obsolete RFC 3967.  In addition, I'm still a bit unclear
>>> and, therefore, uncomfortable on the proposal with respect to
>>> flow-labels within an "administratively defined domain".  In
>>> particular, if one administrative domain has set their own
>>> "locally defined" flow-label, I think the draft could benefit
>>> from a stronger emphasis that the flow-label MUST or, at
>>> least, SHOULD be reset to 0 upon /leaving/ that domain,
>>> otherwise the next domain may (or, will?) misinterpret the
>>> meaning of the incoming "locally-defined" flow-label.  The
>> I'm personally quite attracted by this. It does further damage
>> to the sacred principle that the flow label is immutable,
>> but maybe that is the inevitable result anyway.
> I think the way the dscp is handled provides a good example. If your
> network is QoS enabled, then you reset the dscp value upon ingress
> because you can't trust it, otherwise you completely ignore the value of
> it as it traverses your network. I think the same model can be applied
> to flow labels.

I believe we're in agreement on the above point.

> For an ISP, if it considered it's network to be a separate flow domain
> from that of it's customers' networks (and my position is that I
> would, for both business and residential customers), then every egress
> interface towards a customer would have to be resetting the flow label.
> ISPs with many PPPoE/PPP customers have as many virtual egress
> interfaces as they do customers. I think a lot of those customers
> wouldn't implement a flow domain, so having every virtual interface
> reset the flow label back to 0 on packet egress would be a relatively
> high price for the value it provides to only a small number of
> customers.

I acknowledge the operational burden of resetting the flow-label on egress; 
however, the same challenge exists on ingress, as well.  IOW, if you don't 
trust the flow-label setting coming from another "administratively defined 
domain" (ADD), then you'll always need to have to reset (and/or set) it on 
ingress before it transits your ADD ... wh/ would translate into roughly the 
same problem.

Regardless, the way the draft is written now it still seems a bit ambiguous (at 
best) as to whether the next, downstream "administratively defined domain" 
(ADD) is supposed to accept "as-is" the incoming, perhaps locally-defined in 
another ADD, flow-label or not.  Most importantly consideration should be given 
to what the operational implications will be if that were the case.  IOW, it 
could result in very poor load-balancing if the incoming locally-defined 
flow-label does not correspond to, say, a 5-tuple "microflow" and, instead, 
means something else entirely (e.g.: a "nonce" as per one of the many proposals 
to recast/re-use/abuse the flow-label).

The reason I offered the proposed text was to make it abundantly clear that 
there should be no assumptions made about the flow-label once it leaves one 
"administratively defined domain", since one ADD can't tell if it's 
locally-defined or not.  In summary, I think the text could stand to be made 
more clear that a flow-label needs to be reset /either/ on egress from or 
ingress to an ADD[1].  I think, in practice, you're likely correct that most 
operators would probably (re)set it only on ingress (similar to IP DSCP or IPv6 
TC), since that's a common operation.

Lastly, FWIW, I'd personally rather not carve out a bit in the flow-label (as 
was discussed in previous revisions of this draft), for "locally-defined" 
flow-labels since the same operational problem exists.  Only in that case, as a 
packet enters my ADD I won't be able to do anything with it.  This means I need 
to have even more complex logic in routers to ignore those flow-labels with 
that bit set and then attempt to look for Layer-4 Transport header info at 
every hop for load-balancing calculations.


[1] I should note that if one or more "consenting" ADD's want to exchange a 
locally defined flow-label between them, then that's their right, i.e.: your 
network(s), your rules.  However, I would typically expect this to be an 
exception, not the rule, given the implications a misunderstanding or 
misinterpretation a "locally-defined" flow-label might have.
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