
On 2010-04-15 21:14, Alexandru Petrescu wrote:
> Le 14/04/2010 23:51, Brian E Carpenter a écrit :
>> Alexandru,
>>> I find this proposal to change the Flow Label behaviour to come in
>>> too early, at a point where we don't yet have widespread use of
>>> simple Flow Labels (or is it widely used?).
>> But that's the problem. If you have read the -02 draft, you will
>> understand that flow label usage today is essentially non-existent.
> Ok, it is draft-carpenter-6man-flow-update-02 and I will comment on it
> separately.
>> Usage is not going to occur unless we make it desirable - and it's
>> quite clear that RFC 3697 did not succeed in making it desirable. So
>> either we do something, or we continue to carry 20 useless bits in
>> every IPv6 packet.
> I mainly agree to make Flow Labels desirable.  Towards that end one
> would consider two other cases where Flow Labels were considered:
> - MEXT' WG draft-ietf-mext-flow-binding-06 "Flow Bindings in Mobile
>   IPv6 and NEMO Basic Support";
> - ROLL WG's intention of use of Flow Labels in RPL
>   protocol  draft-ietf-roll-rpl-07.
> Currently their way of considering flows and Flow Labels respectively is
> incoherent with old Flow Labels - and with new Flow Labels too.  Or
> probably are they about to get in synch(?).
> Why has MEXT WG defined a new flow id instead of reusing the IPv6 Flow
> Label?  Is it because of security?  The new 6MAN Flow Labels don't
> improve on security, they're still uncovered by IPsec.
> Why has ROLL WG looked at mutable Flow Labels?  Is it to change it
> enroute and restore it when getting out of the flow label domain?  The
> new flow labels don't seem to impose the restoration, in my reading.
> Are the new Flow Labels better adapted to MEXT and to ROLL?

Well, if we get to a stable proposal here, we cn ask them
exactly that.


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