On Wed, 17 Nov 2010 01:45:27 +0100, Hagen Paul Pfeifer <ha...@jauu.net>

> * Hing-Kam (Kam) Lam | 2010-11-17 05:23:47 [+0530]:
>>The draft does not do that. I dont know which version you have been
>>reading. You should read draft-ietf-6man-exthdr and
>>draft-bhatia-6man-update-ipv6-ext-hdr to get an idea of the problem
>>that this draft is attempting to solve.
> Hing is absolute correct - this mechanism is necessary, there are no
> valuable
> alternatives.
> Or to quote the Linux Kernel:
> int ipv6_ext_hdr(u8 nexthdr)
> {
>         /*
>          * find out if nexthdr is an extension header or a protocol
>          */
>         return   (nexthdr == NEXTHDR_HOP)       ||
>                  (nexthdr == NEXTHDR_ROUTING)   ||
>                  (nexthdr == NEXTHDR_FRAGMENT)  ||
>                  (nexthdr == NEXTHDR_AUTH)      ||
>                  (nexthdr == NEXTHDR_NONE)      ||
>                  (nexthdr == NEXTHDR_DEST);
> }
> If the extension header is no well known extension header (see the code)
> the
> network stack must stop processing of the packet! The kernel will drop
> packet. Why? Because Transport Protocols on top of IPv6 does not underly
> coding. If the Kernel does not know the extension header type (e.g.
> NEXTHDR_FRAGMENT) what should he do? The kernel does not know if it is a
> unknown extension header or a unknown transport protocol. And because a
> transport protocol has no TLV coding he cannot skip over a transport
> protocol.
> Think about it, it may take some time but the current mechanism was the
> only
> workable way. The alternative would be to re-define all existing
> protocols (TCP2, UDP2), this time with a identical TLV encoding.
> Another solution where to introduce a white list for transport protocol
> types
> (TCP, UDP, ...) - but this time you would restrict the development of
> transport protocols. If the kernel does not know the protocol type he
> skip
> this packet. Same problem but this time even worse, because you limit
> transport protocol development.
> The situation now is that the Kernel must know all Extension Header
> a
> unknown Extension header will stop the processing chain.

This does not address Ran's comment: why would we ever need a new
extension header?  Why aren't the Hop-by-Hop Options and Destination
Options extension headers sufficient?  Neither of the drafts above motivate
this need.


// Steve
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