Hi, Shane,

Thanks so much for your feedback! -- Please find my comments inline...

>> Ok. Here's the text that I've included right bellow the formular:
>> ---- cut here ---- This scheme should be used when a new flow is to
>> be created (e.g., when a new TCP connection is to be created). Once
>> a Flow Label value for such flow is selected, the Flow Label field
>> of all the IPv6 packets corresponding to that flow would be set to
>> the selected value (until the flow is terminated). ---- cut here
>> ----
> Upon further reflection, I think it would probably be best that your
> draft point toward the forthcoming RFC3697bis document, where the
> latter will normatively prescribe[1]:

IIRC, the Brian's I-D will aim at Informational, and only then ill it be
folowed by a formal revision of RFC 3697. -- that's why draft-gont
references RFC 3697 (the only normative specification so far). -- I
guess it could provide an Informational pointer to Brian's document to
provide hints about where things are going towards, though.

> a)  What constitutes a "flow"
> -- already in draft-carpenter-6man-flow-update-04 (Section 4); and, 
> b)  When new flow-labels are to be created -- possibly [more than] a
> bit vague in draft-carpenter; and, c)  What 'uniqueness'
> characteristics there are with respect to flow-labels, e.g.: a source
> node SHOULD maintain unique flow-label values among a 5-tuple -- not
> in draft-carpenter from what I can tell or, at best, extremely
> vague. ... in order that we're not creating confusion between the
> two, (or more), different drafts/specs.  More specifically, I believe
> it would be good to ensure the properties list above, in (a) through
> (c), are (to the largest extent possible) common to avoid further
> ambiguity wrt the flow-label.

You mean I should also describe the "requirements" in Brian's I-D?

> Specific to your draft, what would you say to replacing the text you
> have with the following: ---snip--- This scheme should be used to
> generate a new flow-label value at the time a new flow is created,
> (for instance, when a new transport connection is about to be
> established).  Please refer to RFC3697bis for the conditions that
> precipitate the generation of a new flow-label value. ---snip---

The only issue here is that, as mentioned above, there's no such thing
as RFC3697bis, yet. -- What if, say, I simply remove the example of
"e.g., when a new flow is created", and simply state that "the
definition of what a flow is is out of the scope of this document", or
the like?

What do others think?

> In addition, assuming you agree with this general direction, it would
> likely mean you could further simplify your draft by [eventually]
> eliminating the first few paragraphs in Section 3
> draft-gont-6man-flowlabel-security, where you quote requirements from
> RFC 3697 as to a flow label's properties.  Instead, when a RFC
> 3697bis becomes available, you could most likely state something at
> the beginning of Section 3 like "Please refer to RFC3697bis with
> respect to the properties that constitute a flow-label value."  You
> could then continue with the existing discussion in your draft on how
> flow label reqmt's are similar to TCP port numbers, etc.

You I could remove the requirements summary, and include pointers to RFC
3697 and Brian's I-D?

-- FWIW, I'm open to changes... just want to double-check that these
changes reflect wg consensus.

What do others think?


Kind regards,
Fernando Gont
e-mail: ferna...@gont.com.ar || fg...@acm.org
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