Don - see
1246 Experience with the OSPF Protocol. J. Moy. July 1991. (Format:
     TXT=70441, PS=141924, PDF=84633 bytes) (Also RFC1247, RFC1245)
     (Status: INFORMATIONAL)

When we advance a routing protocol to Proposed Standard, for reasons related to 
ancient IESG history related to routing, we generally require a test report 
that shows interoperable implementations of the standard in question. As you 
can imagine, there was an NDA around the various events RFC 1246 reports - you 
won't find comments on the fact that Cisco's initial implementation of OSPF was 
a demon's delight, but you will find comments on who tested, and what the 
outcome of the testing was after we (yes, I was there, while working at ACC) 
all fixed our bugs.

It would be very helpful if you could, with the implementors in question, filed 
a report on the testing.

On Dec 16, 2010, at 6:27 AM, Don Sturek wrote:

> Hi Brian,
> Don Sturek, chair for the ZigBee Alliance IPv6 standardization.
> We are using both the drafts (draft-hui-6man-rpl-headers and
> draft-ietf-6man-rpl-routing-header) for our interoperability testing.  Here
> is some background:
> 1)  We have 9 implementing companies all doing non-storing ROLL RPL using
> downward routing
> 2)  We started interop testing in January 2010, meet every month and have
> been testing downward routing for around 4 months
> 3)  We have not run into any issues (we have contact with Jonathan Hui and
> JP so may have let them  know of any issues but I don't recall them).  I can
> send you one of our recent interop reports under our ZigBee-IETF liaison
> agreement if you are interested.
> We would be interested in seeing these drafts move forward in the WG.  We
> think they are essential to implementing non-storing ROLL RPL.  By the way,
> our target deployment is for Smart Metering applications in the home area
> network.  I added Fred Baker who chairs the Smart Power group who is aware
> of our work.
> Sorry for not letting you know about this earlier.
> Best,
> Don Sturek
> Chair, ZigBee Core Stack Working Group (responsible for standardization of
> the "ZigBee IP")
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [] On Behalf Of
> Brian Haberman
> Sent: Thursday, December 16, 2010 5:53 AM
> To: IPv6 WG Mailing List
> Subject: Lack of responses on WG Last Calls
> All,
>    Working group last calls ended 10 days ago for the two RPL-related
> drafts (draft-ietf-6man-rpl-option and
> draft-ietf-6man-rpl-routing-header). By my count, each draft received
> *1* comment.  The chairs cannot and will not advance a draft to the IESG
> with so little feedback.  We request that WG participants review these
> drafts and provide their feedback on them.
> Regards,
> Brian & Bob
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