
On Jan 11, 2011, at 10:29 MST, Fred Baker wrote:
> On Jan 11, 2011, at 9:10 AM, Shane Amante wrote:
>> It's probably better to say that a hash algorithm works well where 
>> individual, long-lived flows (regardless of traffic type) are a small-ish 
>> fraction of the physical BW of any individual component-link in a LAG or 
>> ECMP group.  It's when those long-lived flows are a substantial portion of 
>> component-link's physical BW that a hash algorithm is ineffective and you 
>> either need higher capacity component-links or more "creative" techniques.
> Statistics we're seeing suggest that long-lived video flows (video-on-demand, 
> streaming media, netflix/youtube/etc) are becoming a fairly large subset of 
> internet traffic. You may have seen Wired's article on it 
> ( and the 
> far-better-thought-through rebuttal 
> (

I have.  However, people need to put the [very poor] Wired article in context.  
Specifically, there's a significant difference between the aggregate amount of 
all Video traffic **versus** the size (bandwidth) of individual Video streams 
that will appear in the core of the network.  IOW, as an operator, I don't have 
concerns transporting Terabits (and, more) of _aggregate_ Video traffic, so 
long as the _individual_ Video streams in that aggregate are "well distributed" 
amongst themselves and other traffic that would ultimately be output on a 
common set of component-links comprising a single LAG or ECMP group.  By that I 
- each has a relatively unique 5-tuple (since that's the only thing I can use, 
today, from the IP header, today, as an input-key for a load-balancing hash 
algorithm), to ensure there is the low(est) probability that all Video flows 
will get put onto the same component-link in a LAG or ECMP path; and,
- the bandwidth of an individual Video stream is a small-ish fraction of the BW 
of a component-link comprising a LAG or ECMP path.  IOW, why should I care 
about a 5, 10 or 20 Mbps constant rate Internet [Video] flow on a 10 Gbps 
component-link, (you're talking about .2% [2-thousands] of the overall physical 
capacity of a component-link)?

What causes pain and/or worry to us operators is when someone launches a large 
*individual* "macro-flow"[1] at the network that start to represent a decent 
fraction of the overall capacity of a physical component-link underlying a LAG 
and/or ECMP path, (e.g.: and the following are only an *example*: 200 Mbps, 500 
Mbps, 1 Gbps, etc. on a 10 Gbps link).  Unfortunately, due to the fact that 
load-hashing algorithms are stateless (and, thus, non-adaptive), that means 
that "well-behaved" microflows (think: casual Web surfing, e-mail, etc.) are 
still co-mingled with those large, fat-flows across all component-links in a 
common LAG/ECMP path *without* taking into account BW utilization of individual 
component-links.  So, there is a much higher probability (or, oftentimes, 
certainty) of congestion and packet loss causing pain to all users on the one 
(or, more) component-links with fat, macro-flows on them that I can't capacity 
plan for and I can't easily react to.


[1] Examples are: IPvX in IPvX tunneling, GRE, IPSec, "WAN acceleration" type 
products that are used for extremely fast large file xfers, etc.
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