Fernando Gont <ferna...@gont.com.ar> writes:

> On 21/01/2011 04:49 p.m., Thomas Narten wrote:

> > But other uses of the Flow Label outside of that do not have that
> > requirement.
> > 
> > So, if you do traditional flows, you have to be sure to generate Flow
> > Labels carefully.  The default usage outside of signaling does not
> > have the same requirement.

> Having two different FlowLabel generation algorithms does not sound like
> a good approach to me (not that you're proposing that, though) -- in
> particular, when we'd have to work on an API for apps to select the
> proper one.

You misunderstand me. For flows where the application wants special
service, you can afford to have a more sophisticated algorithm.

For the vast majority of applications, they won't set the flow label
and will leave it to the OS to use heuristics (like each socket gets a
different value). That is the case we are trying to make work with
load balancers. These can use a much simpler default algorithm. And we
need to allow for *very* simple devices, like sensor devices, etc.

> IMHO, pick an algorithm that is suitable for all cases, and that's
> it.

I think it's fine to have a simple default. What I'm arguing against
is making the default case more complicated than it really needs to

We can have a more sophisticated algorithm in those cases where it
actually matters, since those will not be the common case (if indeed,
we ever develop standards in this area.)

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