Gawd, I love these sorts of discussions.

Remind me. How many HBH options has the IETF approved in the last ten

How many proposed HBH options are in the pipeline for approval?

Could we please skip this silly discussion until such a time as
someone actually proposes a HBH option that makes sense, and for which
alternate approaches to solving the problem (that don't use HBH) are
worse? And when we have such a compelling proposal, discuss the
pros/cons of whether it can be deployed, whether routers will actually
implement it, etc.? 

These entirely theoretical discussions are mostly a complete waste of

And to be clear, I suspect we will not be approving any HBH options
any time soon. We know they are generally a bad idea. It is unlikely
that the reasons that HBH are a last resort approach will change
anytime soon.  But can we please just leave things alone as they are
now? The possibility that a HBH may be defined in the future is not
something that is causing us problems today and needs fixing.

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