>Date: Fri, 4 Mar 2011 19:10:36 +0100 (CET)
>From: Mikael Abrahamsson <swm...@swm.pp.se>
>SLAAC is by definion host-controlled. You use the term "audit" in a way I 
>don't really understand (though I am not a native english speaker so I 
>could very well be wrong).

>If you want to be sure who did what when, you need centrally controlled 
>IPv6 address hand-out (DHCPv6 is the only one I am aware of for IPv6) plus 
>something that makes sure user can't source any other traffic, such as the 
>SAVI-WG functionality IP/MAC address verification schemes.

>Please do not put more functionality into RA than what is absolutely 
>needed. If you need to know what host had what IP address at what time, 
>disallow SLAAC and run DHCPv6.

No, DHCPv6 can't stop the user configuring a static address.

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