On Mon, 07 Mar 2011 22:40:45 +1100, Karl Auer wrote:
> My reading of RFC3484 is that privacy addresses are NOT preferred, but
that it should be possible on a host to change that preference. See "Rule 7"
in Section 5 (on page 11):
>"Rule 7: Prefer public addresses. If SA is a public address and SB is a
temporary address, then prefer SA. Similarly, if SB is a public address and
SA is a temporary address, then
>prefer SB. [...] Implementations MUST provide a mechanism allowing an
application to reverse the sense of this preference and prefer temporary
addresses over public

RFC3484 page 11, the last sentense:
Implementations for which privacy considerations outweigh these application
compatibility concerns MAY reverse the sense of this rule and by default
prefer temporary addresses over public addresses.
Windows OS prefers temporary addresses over public addresses by default.

Yu Hua bing
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